“Short Shorts & McDonald’s Water” feat. Alex Lee

Champion youth pastor, Alex Lee, is with us today with a chat equally as sweet as his luscious hair. Are you a leader who feels insignificant because you’re not on the platform? This episode will remind you just how significant you really are! Settle in & get fresh for Friday! 

“Prank Council & The Blob” feat. Jason Mendis

Annnnnd we’re back, with special guest Jason Mendis from Petersham AOG Church. PLUS we’re joined by special guest interviewer, Liv Green. It’s like a podcast party! Listen in as we chat about youth camps, loving people, and “the Blob”. Get this episode in your ear canal, and you’ll be pumped for Friday! 

“Skuxx & Churr” feat. Levi Marychurch

This podcast just went international, with special guest Levi Marychurch from Arise Church in NZ. We chat about the origin of the word skuxx, waterslide nightmares, & getting kids passionate about Jesus. Choice! Take a listen & be inspired to run into Friday feelin’ fresh as bro!

Make It Count – Practical Tips For This Week

“Be an expert at unfamiliar conversations” – Ps James Murray


This months pro tip is about our conversations.

It’s not the amazing media, great games, or pumping music (not bad stuff btw) that makes people belong, its relationships. 

The cool stuff might make us feel good, but a visitor wants to know if there’s anyone around who cares about them. And that’s where we come in. Here’s a couple of my thoughts on how we can become experts at unfamiliar convos this week…

  1. Eyes Open.
    Scan the room & ask yourself, “is there anyone here that I’ve never met before?” Make it your mission to meet everyone you’ve never met.
  2. Ask Questions.
    Questions are the currency of conversation. Having a convo for the first time is like digging for gold; The more questions you ask, the more likely you are to find things you have in common… that’s gold! (Confession: I’ve never actually gone prospecting before. Don’t judge me if my knowledge of mining precious metals is incorrect)
  3. Step Out.
    It can be a tad awks to talk to a teenager you’ve never met, we’ve all had our fair share of cringe convos like the following…


You: “Do you play any sport?”

Them: “No.”

You: “Do you like movies?”

Them: “No”

You: “Do you have any interests at all?”

Them: …starts texting someone

Sure its awkward, but how great does it feel to be included? And how much more did Jesus give so that YOU would be included? Persevere through the awkwardness, you never know what effect your convo may have on the precious young lives you interact with every week. 

Go for it this week! Meet someone new, ask some questions, turn an outsider into an insider. Bless you, you legendary leader! 


“Whiplash & Pythons” feat. James Murray

This month’s episode features the very funny, very insightful Ps James Murray, Pastor of C3 Cronulla. We chat about 90’s punk bands, whiplash, pythons, getting teens from Friday night youth to Sunday morning church, & being an expert at unfamiliar conversations. Get his velvet toned voice in your ears!

Hey Friend!

If you’re looking for the home of the Fresh For Friday Podcast, welcome!

If you’re looking for a blog about fresh salads to help you get that summer body you’ve always dreamed of – you’re lost.

Fresh For Friday is a podcast for youth pastors, leaders & volunteers. Whether you’ve been serving as a leader for a long time or a little, this podcast is for you!

We want to inspire you  & give you practical tips – the why & the how – to help you make your time as a youth leader really count. We hope this podcast stirs you, challenges you, grows you, helps you, makes you laugh, makes you cry (from the laughter), and fills you with passion so you can run into Friday night…

Feelin’ Fresh.

Enjoy! Keep powering. Cheering you on, my friend!